The weather on Thursday was kind of wishy washy. I was having a hard time convincing myself to go shoot. I skipped last week and when the weather changed for the better I decided to go out. The only problem was I didn't have a plan for where to go. I headed downtown.
City bus light trails are cool.
Unfortunately downtown is annoying. As always I seem to be drawn to the river, bridges and trains. I headed to one of the spots I like to go and got a couple of decent shots.
The full moon was in full effect that night.
Nothing was really grabbing me though. I decided to go down to St. Anthony Main and see if I could get anything down there. It had turned into a beautiful night and the river was like glass.
Glassy awesomeness.
I was taking a couple of shots and bumped into a fellow photographer whose work I admire. That was nice. I hope we can go shoot together sometime. Then I looked over at the locked entrance to Water Power Park.
Off on the far left of this image is a way to sneak into the park after they close. That's the one thing about this park, it closes at dusk. So, I snuck over there and hopped the fence. To my surprise, a rather large Beaver had also gotten into the park and was searching for a way out, pretty much right where I came in. I know I probably shouldn't be scared of beavers but that thing was huge. I don't have a picture because I ran away. When I got out to the main island the views were breathtaking.
The new Pillsbury sign in all its glory
Look Ma. No PowerLines.
It was pitch black out there and I had visions of the beaver attacking me. He just kind of kept following me around the island, probably hoping I would show him the way out.
Power towers
Power. Power. Power.
I went out to the observation point on the far West end and got this awesome photo.
I love how the Hennepin bridge is in the background.
Then over to the hydro dam. This is what I was looking forward to.
The churn...
The waves...
I could spend hours out here shooting. It was time to head back home for the night. Unfortunately they turn the lights off downtown at midnight.
No beavers in sight.
I headed back to the entrance. No sign of my little friend. I hopped over and got back to the truck. Another adventure completed.